fall down

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fall down

  1. vaihtaa asentoa, laskeutua, pudota, heittäytyä, kaatua.

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pudota puhekieltä To fall to the ground. To collapse.

Ring a-ring o roses, / A pocketful of posies. / A-tishoo! A-tishoo! / We all fall down.'' — traditional nursery rhyme (British version)

The beams supporting the roof had rotted, causing the entire house to fall down.

(RQ:Orwell Animal Farm)
Out of spite, the human beings pretended not to believe that it was Snowball who had destroyed the windmill: they said that it had fallen down because the walls were too thin.
puhekieltä To sail or drift toward the mouth of a river or other outlet.
puhekieltä To fail.

That is where your reasoning falls down.


"Pure maidens fall into the hand of hot and forcing violation."

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